This past sunday, a group of folks from Chestnut Ridge Church's college ministry got together for a small 'family' meal at Rio Grande #3 in Morgantown.
I took this picture for a few reasons. One of the foremost is that I don't know of many restaurants that would be able to accommodate a party this large (I think there were nearly 30 of us sitting together). A second reason is this. How many groups of thirty people do you know who would want to sit down and enjoy a meal together? A third reason is simply to capture the many conversations that were all happening at the same time around this table. People are totally engaged in one another's lives.
To me, it's a beautiful reminder of the fact that in Christ, our family has extended beyond our immediate bloodlines to all of those who call on the name of Jesus Christ. It's a reminder that even our nationality is now more intimately connected to the Kingdom of God than any particular earthly government or culture or tribe. And more than these, it's a great reminder of the feast we will one day enjoy with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
May you take some time in the near future to trully enjoy the community of your extended family in Christ. Consider the nations that this family includes, engulfs, and transcends. I hope you also can enjoy a 'family meal' like this on earth before you enjoy the GREAT BANQUET MEAL.
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