Monday, January 07, 2008

Reflections on 2007 Part 1 (Winter)

Reflections on 2007, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
I remember reading several years ago that people would reflect more if they had an opportunity to live their life over again. In that spirit, I wanted to make an attempt to reflect on a few of the things God has done over the last year. Many of the things I blogged about, and being able to look over some of those blog entries and images really stirred me to see the massive amount of trials and triumphs I have been part of in 2007. Now some things didn't make it into the blog, like the opening of our coffee shop, sozo and the start of a monthly mixer for college students and young professionals at Chestnut Ridge Church. As I began to piece together this blog entry, I realized it might be better to break it into four parts and walk through the seasons, so this entry represents a few highlights from the first three months of 2007.

I leapt into the new year with a visit from my best friend in the whole world, Willie, and a list of lofty goals from fitness to faith, and I actually achieved a few along the way (including running 100 miles in the month of January).
I tried to be a little more environmentally responsible and started recycling and making some changes around the house (including changing light bulbs) in order to work toward better stewardship of God's good earth.

In Winter, Waterboyz mania swept Morgantown and the world.

My family also purchased a cabin near Elkins, WV. It has become a place of retreat and refreshment for everyone in the family.

I also had an opportunity to speak at the Native American Literature Symposium and represent my tribe, and the university as I presented a paper I wrote.

That wraps up a few highlights from Winter 2007 for me. What was going on in your life last winter? What changes did you make and what habits did you start with the new year? I would love to hear, and I want to encourage you as you finish reading this to take time to reflect. I'll continue in the future with reflections from Spring, Summer and Fall 2007. Also, if you decide to visit the links I have included, I would love to hear your thoughts on my most memorable or impactful blog entry from this past winter.

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