Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thrill Morgantown 2012 Retrospective

Last Saturday, a group of local zombies got together to participate as local representatives in an attempt to break the world record for the largest global simultaneous Michael Jackson’s Thriller Flashmob in history. Results won’t be in for a while because somebody has to count all of the folks who participated and insure that they were all dancing the same dance (Documentation is featured on youtube video uploads).

Jamie and I just made it back into town a couple hours before the actual event, but she was practicing up during our last day in Columbus, OH. She had walked through a series of youtube videos that were created to teach the dance. I even practiced with her late Friday night, but felt like I was better equipped to document the event with photographs than become a zombie myself (although next year may be a different story).

And that’s what I’m writing about now. It was so cool to see 55 people step out of their comfort zones to dance this dance, and a number of them were friends, including the organizer, Gemma Hughes. The event raised awareness for WVU Children’s Hospital and Nuru International, but I believe that with a little bit more effort, the Zombie dancers and Nuru supporters of the greater Morgantown, WV area could make a Thrilling impact in fighting extreme poverty while having fun at the same time.

I know that Gemma was working in the moments immediately following the event to secure a solid cadre of volunteers to make the event even better next year. I certainly hope that I can be in town for the next Thrill Morgantown event, will you be there too?

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