Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rolling Down the Highway

Rolling Down the Highway, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
So I've been on the go for a bit now. I've many stories to tell and many images to share, but it has been hard to find/make the time to get those images and stories out.

The photo above was taken on one of my professor's farm a little over a week ago. We had a mini-reunion as I was returning back from DC on the weekend of the fourth. Three of us went to the top of the farm and watched the sun set over the horizon. It was a beautiful tranquil evening, and one unlike any my friends had experienced in quite some time. It was a gift.

I'm scheduling time tomorrow morning specifically to blog and get caught up on somethings on here.

Last week, I made two trips to Parkersburg. My dad was having blurred vision, and I could tell it was bothering him. He was wondering if he might be losing his vision. He has macular degeneration, and if you take a moment to read that and say it out loud it just sounds scary. Thankfully, my dad's macular degeneration is barely visible and it's only in one eye. As long as he eats right, takes his vitamins, and wears sunglasses outside, he should have great vision for a long time.

But, his prescription for glasses had changed. His eyes are getting slightly more farsighted, so he needs to wear his glasses all of the time. His blurred vision was from not wearing his glasses, and his eyes were just straining to the point of exhaustion. He's getting new glasses this week, and he has been much better about wearing his glasses this week.

It was great spending time with dad while he was up in Morgantown, and spending a little bit of time with him, my sister, and my uncle this weekend as well.

Now I'm preparing for one last summer in a return visit to help close down the leadership training program GCM does in Carolina Beach, NC. Before I leave, my blog WILL be caught up though. So be looking for some posts, and have a great rest of your day wherever you are!

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