Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Me and My Cousin Jo Ann--cutting my hair

Me and My Cousin Jo Ann, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Looks like I'm getting a later start on the blog. I woke up later and with a few surprises on my plate. Nonetheless, I'm going to attempt to start at the very beginning.

This photo was taken last month when I returned back north from Carolina Beach, NC. That's my cousin Jo Ann on the right. We have been pretty close since we were kids. There's an old picture of us, and she is feeding me in my high chair as a baby.

For years, she has been a hair stylist/beautician, and I have gone to her any time I needed to trim up my hair. These times are just good reconnecting times, and I always appreciate talking with my cousin Jo.

I'm so thankful for family and for opportunities to catch up. I'm thankful also that my cousin understands the spiritual and cultural significance of my hair--I know I can trust her. If you are in the Parkersburg area, and you are looking for someone who know's what she's doing when it comes to hair--check out my cousin Jo Ann. She has a chair at Jon Six & Company. Ask for her by name, and let her know you learned about her through this blog. (Just in case she doesn't read this--at least she'll know her cousin thinks the world of her!)

And by the way, this is the last photo taken of me before cutting my hair last month. More on that to come . . .

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