Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Small Step for Change

In honor of my mom who passed away last year, I am joining with my sister and others to participate in the Wood County Relay for Life. I would love it if you could join with us to raise money and support cancer research. You can click here to join our team or make a donation.

If you participate, you will joining people around the world in celebrating those who have survived cancer, remembering the people we've lost, and supporting the lifesaving mission of the American Cancer Society. Besides that, you will be hanging out in Parkersburg, WV with some cool peeps, and you get to see where I used to "kick it" back in the day!

As we walk our laps, we will each be taking a small step for change. Last year we had a lot of laughs, and shared a lot of hope, prayer, and great spiritual conversations. The more folks who join the team, the more fun it will be too.

As we walk our laps, we will each be taking a small step for change. Last year we had a lot of laughs, and shared a lot of hope and prayer. The more folks who join the team, the more fun it will be too.

Will you make a small step for change with me in Parkersburg May 16th, 2008?

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