Thursday, April 03, 2008

Birthday Visitors

This past Sunday, I returned from a faith venture in the DC area to find three guests waiting for me at my house. My dad, my sister, and my dad's dog, Daisy. They had made the long trek from Parkersburg to Morgantown to spend a little time with me on my birthday. Thankfully we had semi-decent weather for Morgantown in late March, and we could enjoy a little hike--something it appears everyone in my family enjoys doing. (My mom enjoyed the outdoors, but her knees were in such bad shape she could never really hike with the rest of us, but she always enjoyed being out and about.)
After taking me to lunch at Texas Roadhouse , we came back to the house, picked up Daisy and headed to one of my favorite hiking trails nearby. (Can you believe there was still a 40 minute wait at Cheddars @2PM?) I would tell you about the trail, but one of the things I enjoy most about it is that not a lot of people know about it, so it's like a private sanctuary. In fact, it was such a nice day I was a little concerned the trail would be crowded, but we were the only car there when we arrived.
The trail meanders along a mountain stream, so one can enjoy the sound of the water as one hikes (unless it is summer and we haven't had a lot of rain, and then this is one of the most depressing places in the world to be!)
Anyway, it was great to share this space with my sister and dad--if only my brother were here to enjoy it also. (sigh) I often go to this trail to think and to pray. There's a spot where I like to go (I took these photos from that spot) to sit, pray, reflect, and soak my feet in the cool mountain water (I typically will do this year round!)
Unfortunately we couldn't linger too long in the woods on this trip. They had to return home, and didn't want to arrive too late. Regardless, I think my dad and sister enjoyed their visit, and I know I really enjoyed sharing some time with them.

Maybe I'll see more of them as the weather warms up, and maybe my brother Chuck and my other brother Willie will make their way out here too!

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