Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ohio Kinda Apologizes

My friend Dave in Blacksburg sent me this image and it cracked me up. For those of you who don't know, Shawnee people historically had a number of villages in the state of Ohio. My buddy Dave is reading a book about Mary Draper Ingles who hiked from a Shawnee village somewhere in Ohio back to her home near Blacksburg a couple of hundred years ago.

To me there is a touch of irony in this beyond the cartoon itself. I think we are all a bit like this at times. We commit heinous offenses against our friends, and then we sort of apologize and try to make things right, but not really. It takes a lot to be reconciled to others when we offend, it takes humility, and it takes compassion. Most of the time we just want to offer a band-aid though.

I hope your day is filled with laughter, irony, and true reconciliation.

1 comment:

  1. The book your friend is reading is wonderful. You should check it out as well. I find that I can't put Sleeth's book down. It's fabulous. Thanks for recommending it.
    To go along with the series you're doing at H20...the series by Stephen Arterburn re: "every man's battle" is great. There is one for every age. I personally read "every woman's battle" prior to my marriage. Awesome!
