Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Another World Is Possible
Last week, a group of us from our pool of college students and young professionals put together a series of events that we called Another World Is Possible. While it was an exhausting week, it was also refreshing. It was refreshing because there were so many cool conversations happening around town about it.
People who I had attempted to talk to for years about some of these issues became more open to the idea that 1) God is interested in things like the environment, poverty, slavery and injustice, 2) that He wants us to do something about it, and 3) that we actually can!
Now that the week is over, and and we have been able to raise some funds and some awareness about some of these issues, it is my prayer that more and more people will take action. Of course, any time people take action it can be messy. Things don't always go according to plan, but then that's where our faith gets expanded--it's during those times, right? "The heart of a man plans his way, but the LORD establishes His steps." Proverbs 16.9. I love that proverb--there's a few others like it that remind us that God weaves it all together, and that "He is sovereign," as my friend Trey so eloquently shared this past weekend.
This week, as you consider the grandness of God's world, and the great needs that exist out there, will you consider stepping up to the plate to help be a sign to this world that not only is another world possible, but it is on its way. One day, our King will return, and make all things right and new. Until that day, we get the privilege of living as a sign of what that day might be like.
Rather than just sitting around and waiting for that day, let's go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting and broken world. It may be as simple as changing out a few light bulbs to CFLs. (And if you do that, be sure to join my group "Friends of Chanchanchepon" on One Billion Bulbs it's free, and you get to see how much money, coal and greenhouse gases you prevent from being wasted.
There's lots we can all do, but I think the most important thing is to not just sit there. It's so easy to get caught up living for another Kingdom than the one of Jesus--step up and take a small step toward being an instrument of healing and reconciliation. Allowing Jesus to use you to reconcile people to Him and experience the healing of a broken relationship.
ReplyDeletehave you ever seen the studies on the Kingdom on food for the hungry international's website?
They are really good free resources. i've been doing one w/ my friend in thailand. thanks for your comment. i am beginning to be asked by churches and artists groups to talk about my work here in n. philly, and i'm always a little apprehensive about doing it. (my first one really bombed... it's really hard to articulate what God's doing sometimes, especially when you feel like the audience could not care less). but i have a few dates on the calendar and i would like to talk to you about arranging a time to talk in motown... especially if you compiled a group of artists and/or people interested in urban work/ministry. it's good for me to do the writing and thinking to articulate it better. email me and we'll figure it out: misk77@yahoo.com. Thanks.