Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reflections on 2007 Part IV (Fall)

Well this is my last installment of reflections on my previous year. It's pretty unreal to me just how much happens in our life in one year, or one day for that matter. Much of the time I think we are fairly unaware, but perhaps this year will be different. Perhaps today will be different.

My fall seemed to be one defined by taking time to reflect. Sozo, the coffee shop, was up and running, and we had a tremendous fall at h2o. But amid all of the busy-ness, I found myself focusing on taking time to reflect during the day. In the summer, I felt like I really didn't find too many spaces for Sabbath to my shame. So I made sure to carve out time for family, and for myself. (Including a short vacation in California).

Fall always brings a myriad of festivals to West Virginia, and so the fall kicked off for me withThe Preston County Buckwheat Festival in Kingwood, WV and the Mountain State Forest Festival in Elkins, WV.

And then, the most significant event of the fall occurred in the wilderness of West Virginia. Jacob Allen, an eighteen year old autistic boy, and a member of Chestnut Ridge Church in Morgantown was lost for four days in the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area. Several hundred people joined in the search, and thankfully he was found! I believe God used Jacob to expand people's faith and sense of community here, and all over the country. I know my life won't be the same as a result of all that happened in the wilderness that week.

In other news, our entertainment life has suffered as a result of the Writers Guild Strike in Hollywood.

I think that more than any other time of year, I was able to see how little gestures go a long way. From my connecting with lenny in los angeles, to my simple step of riding a bus as an act of stewardship on a snowy day, to spending time in a nursing home I saw the large effects of seemingly small decisions and commitments.

As you and I journey through 2008, there will be tons of "little" decisions that will have an impact for the either the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of self. May you and I take small steps every day that lead to large impacts for the sake of the gospel of the Kingdom.

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