Thursday, January 24, 2008

MLK 2008

I've been unable to blog for a few days, but I have had much to share. Last Sunday, we talked about One Day during h2o, and I mentioned a few different leaders who made daily commitments to give their lives to things that would carry on after they died. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of those people.

The video above is a recording of the last public speaking he did on this planet. What powerful words! He had no fear because he had been in the presence of God Almighty--he wasn't a man who was letting his circumstances or what was the norm define him, because he knew there was more than this life, but he was committed to changing the world during this life as a sign of what was to come. He was committed because he knew his God was greater than any persecution he would come up against.

And the persecution was great. It's hard for those of us born after his assassination to imagine that there was a time when people of different ethnicities weren't allowed to share the same resources. It's hard to believe that 50 years ago, black people were compelled to drink from different water fountains than white people. It's hard to believe that people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds were treated as second class citizens (or worse), and that this bigotry was not only accepted--it was considered good and right and normal.

As I went into a meeting yesterday at my nephew's school, I started thinking about MLK. My nephew's school has a definite mix of people. He's among the few American Indians in attendance, but there were people of a variety of ethnic groups represented as I went to this meeting. 50 years ago, not only would this be abnormal, but it also probably wouldn't have happened.

Because Martin Luther King was committed to taking risks, to reflecting, and to giving his life to things that will go on after he dies, we have seen a massive change in America.

As you finish your MLK week, take note of your world--where does God want you to step out in faith and make a difference? Have you been to the mountaintop and seen the promised land? Maybe it's "business as usual" for you because you have forgotten Who is on your side . . .

Take some time today to reflect, to pray, and to act.

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