Thursday, January 24, 2008

Leadership and Calling

Leadership and Calling, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

That’s one of my good friends in the picture. His name is Adam Zakowski, and when I took this photo he had walked out about 100 ft on a frozen lake. He was one of 25 people who spent Monday in Deep Creek seeking to clarify what God wanted to do through him in life.

Sunday night and Monday, we had a leadership retreat for h2o, the next generation ministry of Chestnut Ridge Church. The focus of the retreat was developing your Chazown or your personal calling and vision.

My friend Chris Backert shared this quote with me a few years ago, and it really stirred our lives back then as it does now. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Some people hear a quote like that and they are bothered. Shouldn’t one say that everything rises and falls on prayer? Or everything rises and falls on scripture?

Chris, in our conversations, pointed out this scripture. Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13.8-9

If you look at biblical history, or any general history, you will see over and over that nations and organizations have done well or failed as a result of their leadership. For instance, read the stories of the kings of Israel. When Israel had a good king the nation did well. When Israel had a bad king, things weren’t so great for the people.

So 25 people left Morgantown on the coldest night of the year to stay the night in an even colder Deep Creek Lake, MD. It was 2 degrees F, when we left Morgantown at 9PM—It was significantly colder as night progressed in Maryland.

But these folks came out to make steps to look at their life, and seek to understand what is was they were made for. How were they called to lead out of their calling in h2o, in their career, and in their world? Everyone is going somewhere in life, but very few people are going on purpose. It’s funny because it seems like “What on earth am I supposed to do with my life”? would be the question that we spent a significant amount of time searching out the answer to. But many of our lives reflect the truth that we simply go from day to day with a vague understanding that we have very little idea of what we were made to do.

The retreat was divided into three parts. People started by looking at Where they were, then proceeded to where they want to be, and how they plan to get there. To me, it was one of the most refreshing things I have been part of in quite some time. Being with these leaders, and listening to them share the story of what God has done in their lives was touching. And then to hear them work through the wounds and victories of their past to see clearly how God had been with them every step of the way was inspiring! Now these folks are looking at how God has shaped them and they are beginning to make steps toward passionately pursuing the vision God has for them!

What about you? I pray that today finds you living out your calling in a way that enriches your life and makes the world in which we all live a better place.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're absolutely right. We see it all the time in both the spiritual as well as the secular realms. Obviously there are times when everything can be right and the people choose not to follow, but almost all of the time, a business, a family, a ministry, etc. will rise and fall on the ability of the leaders to put forth a clear vision and to serve those who are working with them. I pray that your time in Deep Creek crystallized the vision for h2o and will allow you to continue moving forward with that ministry!
