Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Green Acres

Green Acres, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Well, it's official. My mom and Dad are now proud owners of a cabin in the Monongahela National Forest. And you know what that means--road trips are going to be frequent this summer!!!

Unfortunately, I've been slow in getting pictures and entries up on my blog lately, but I had to get this one up there.

Last Friday I drove down to Elkins and saw my mom for the first time in about a month. She seemed to be doing alright! Aside from the fatigue that comes from someone who is kicking cancer's tail she is as full of life as ever.

My dad, my mom, my brother-in-law, my sister, and me all converged on this almost heavenly fish camp last Friday, and they had just stocked the stream. Being the always prepared group of fishermen and women that we are, we left our rods and licenses at home. (It was supposed to rain that day, but the weather was also perfect). What can I say? None of us have ever had a fishing cabin before.

On Friday, my mom finds out what has been happening over this last round of chemo. She gets the results of her chemo, and I will be sure to pass the word on as quickly as I can.

I mean, this lady rocks!!! She's fighting this nasty cancer, getting injected with toxins, and she's like--"ya know, I think I wanna get a fishin cabin, and relax--fighting cancer is hard work."

Fighting cancer is hard work, and mom has been doing an awesome job!!! She's like some kind of superhero to everyone who spends any time around her. And put her together with my dad, and it's like they are the Incredibles. I love 'em!

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