Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Being the Change

Being the Change, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Some people send email forwards to everyone they know--personally, I'm not a fan, but some of my friends send me links to cool videos and websites, and I'm always appreciative of stuff like that, especially when it spurs me in my faith.

Monday (I told you I'm way behind in my blogging), I had a friend send me a link to a myspace page Loose Change to Loosen Chains. It is a page set up by a fifteen year old who is a modern day abolitionist. If you visit the page in the above link, I recommend watching the "Good Morning America" Video. I can't figure out how to import it to my blog. The video was on "Good Morning America" on March 15.

So this 15 year old kid has started an organization working with many others to end slavery. I am writing about this today to encourage you to think about the needs that the world has. You see, as Christians, we are not to be cynical--and in our world it is very easy to be cynical. We are not to be ones who are cynical. We are called to bring change to the world. We are called to be a sign of what life looks like when God's Kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. This fifteen year old has allowed his God-given passion for justice to propel him to a cause bigger than himself.

God is interested in justice. And he is looking for people like you and me to be instruments in bringing about that justice. God is interested in healing our world. And He is looking for people like you and I who will be His instruments in bringing about that healing. Mohandas K. Gandhi once said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world."

What if we took those words to heart? What if we realized that God was with us in what we were doing, and there was really no way we could fail--what would we be bold enough and faithful enough to dream and do to be the change we want to see in the world?

What is it that God has called you to? Are you faithful or are you cynical when it comes to making a difference in the world?

Why not step out in faith and be that change--even a 15 year old kid can do this--SO CAN YOU!!!

Drop me a comment and let me know what YOU are doing to live out your calling in faithfulness to the Kingdom.

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