Thursday, March 16, 2006

A long Hiatus

It's been quite some time since I have posted anything on this blog. It really stinks because there have been some really cool things happening in the mix here in Morgantown, and unfortunately, I've been distracted from taking the time to blog. Please accept my apologies.

I'm back!!!

And the plan is to have a daily blog. There is enough going on any given day that I should be able to blog about something. I want to give a special thanks to Steve Powell for calling me out on a lack of blogs for nearly a month.

It seems that just that I get in a routine, something comes along and breaks the routine. Although it could be bad, perhaps it is a good thing. When our routine is interrupted, we are reminded about why we do certain things.

For me, blogging is like a spiritual discipline. I am able to share some of the events that shape my life other people. I am able to reflect upon what God is doing in my life. I am able to use my life and the events around it to help others engage freshly with God and our world.

That's some pretty cool stuff--sorry I have been leaving out this valuable aspect of my walk with the Messiah with so many people.

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