Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ancient Prayer

well, I just got back from my tribe's land. It's the first time I've set foot on that space since the fall of 2004. It was kind of weird.

I really felt like I needed to go somewhere and connect with God. It was such a beautiful evening, so I wanted to make the most of it. Out of nowhere, I felt this prompt to go to "the Mountain." I debated the trip. Why not just go for a walk through the neighborhood. But the thought wouldn't go away. Even though it was late, I hopped in my car, and drove. I knew the moon would be lighting up the land also, but I wasn't sure what was driving me there.

I didn't know how it would be. I had a wonderful time of prayer in the middle of the night, and watched the moon rise over the horizon. It cast shadows across the land.

Up there, it was just me and God, and the natural world. Maybe I was giving myself closure by going, or maybe I was just re-opening old wounds. I'm still trying to figure it out.

It's hard to believe that I once spent so much of my life on that piece of ground. I'm grateful for my unique heritage. I'm even grateful for the learning and growth that have taken place in my life as a result of my experiences among other Shawnee people. In some ways my whole experience among my people, and even the last couple of years, seems so surreal.

Amazingly, God has already answered at least one of my prayers this evening. I look forward to Him answering my prayers for the Shawnee people as well.

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