Thursday, December 15, 2005

Out for Repairs

So I finished my English paper, and started working on a budget for h2o for 2005. Even though the year is winding down, I feel like I am winding up for the new year. I just met with my English professor today to talk about my paper, and he had some really cool things to say.

Ironically, in the middle of this end of the year stuff, I am currently without a computer. It's amazing how dependent this little Indian has become on technology. Really, so much of what we do is geared around the lcd screen and keyboard. What would you have done with the time you spent reading this blog and surfing the internet if you didn't have a computer?

It's been difficult keeping up with "life" without technology. Although, I have been finding myself able to engage with God and others in some fresh ways. If we don't have the technology to get things done really quickly, then we have to slow down.

So in a sense I've felt unproductive, but its caused me to be able to tune into the work God is doing in me. I am looking forward to getting my mac back, but in the meantime, it has been good to have a (sort of) technology fast. My roommate nic and others have helped me out by letting me use their computers, but my time of being unintentionally unplugged has been very enlightening.

1 comment:

  1. hey there billy
    I just wanted to let you know I am checking the site to keep up with you and h2o. I miss you and the church.
    Mary Beth Brogden
