Monday, December 26, 2005


Ironically, I tried to post this last week, and my internet stopped working.

As I reflect on my last 99 posts, it has been cool to check out the lessons God has been using to shape me, and also see where blogging has been very helpful for me to both reflect and connect with friends and family (and show off some cool pictures). I am looking forward to blogging a bit about my holiday experiences in the future, but right now, I am feeling the crunch that occurs before long travel.

In the midst of my travels, I am planning some extended time for reflection, solitude, silence, prayer, study, and meditation.

Who knows what God has in store for the next 100 blog entries? I am looking forward to finding out as we journey together into the new year.

I can tell there is something missing when I don't blog for a while. One of the main things missing is my connection with you. I hope that can be remedied as blogging becomes a more regular discipline in my life as the year wanes to an end.

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