Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Waiting for the rain to stop

I'm sitting in a computer lab in Orlando with four other staff right now. We have a lot of rain coming down. It looks like buckets. I figured I would leave a quick post while waiting for the rain to stop.

It's amazing how no matter how impervious we think we are to the elements, we still have our limits. I left my goretex jacket in the car so I can't use it right now. All of those proverbs about preparedness just came "flooding" in right now.

Everybody just left, but I am still typing. At least I have my trusty laptop. They've got some guts going out into this torrent, but they don't have laptops with them. That is key for them.

Its kind of funny how technology both enables us and debilitates us at the same time. If I don't have a cell phone, computer, or camera, I don't have to worry about what will happen to them when they get wet, but I also can't enjoy the benefits of them in the dry weather.

Well, those are some thoughts I'm currently having.

try to keep your powder dry

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