Wednesday, July 20, 2005

All Done

Earlier this summer, while talking with a few of the staff here in Orlando, I set a goal. The goal was meant to stretch and deepen my walk with God, and it was also meant to be a challenge to encourage others to take major steps of faith over the summer. This goal was centered on the sacred text. I committed to read the entire Bible before LT ended, and I finally finished. It was good to be so immersed in the Word over the summer. God brought a number of fresh insights into my life, and also gave me words that ministered to some personal challenges I have encountered over the summer.

I feel refreshed by meeting the goal, and I feel renewed by the cleansing effects of immersion in this sacred text.

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.--Isaiah 40:8

What a fitting text to read as this rapid journey through the sacred text comes to consummation.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Billy,
    Could you please change the link to my page so it doesn't have my last name on it?
    the new address is
