Monday, January 16, 2017

Reflection: Martin Luther King Junior Day 2017

For the last several years, I have tried to take a few moments on Martin Luther King Day to pause and consider the life of Dr. King and his example of service. Each year I also try to share a recorded excerpt of one of his speeches. The one below, is not only a reminder to do our work, whatever our lot in this life, with excellence, but also to become servant leaders, wherever we are.

As Dr. King says in the last moments of the recording above, "Man has not begun to live until he can rise above his individual concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." As you and I start our 2017, we each have an opportunity to recalibrate and refocus. As a world and as individuals, we are much more aware of the needs of both our local and global neighbors, and we are much more aware of what we might do to rise above our individual concerns to those of humanity. In fact, sometimes it is downright paralyzing because we are so aware. There are so many problems in our world; where does one start? I believe where we start is less important than simply starting. Once we start, we will become more attuned to the hopes and needs of others just by practicing care for our neighbors.

So today, on MLK Day, may we each start somewhere. And if we have already begun, may we remember Dr. King's life and example and continue. And whatever our lot, may we faithfully live out our calling, so that others will be inspired to live out theirs as well.

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