Thursday, January 21, 2016

Reflection: West Virginia State House and Senate Recognize Nuru’s Work

One year ago today, on Wednesday January 21, 2015 at approximately 11AM, Nuru was given a double honor in the home state of Nuru’sCEO and founder Jake Harriman. Along with board members John Hancox and Andy Cogar, Jake and I were invited to stand before the West Virginia House of Delegates to receive a citation honoring them for the work Nuru has done to fight extreme poverty and to celebrate the strong role West Virginians have played in the organization since its inception whether by working directly for Nuru, volunteering, or giving financial contributions to help Nuru grow from an idea to have incredible impact on over 50,000 lives in Kenya and Ethiopia over the last six years.

And as soon as the House of Delegates had finished honoring Nuru, Andy, John, Jake, and I were ushered to the other end of the West Virginia State Capitol where the Senate was waiting to pass a similar resolution and honor the work of Nuru.  After the Senate passed the resolution, all of the members of the Senate came together for a photo and shook hands with Nuru’s West Virginian representation.

The Honorable Corey Palumbo sponsored the resolution in the Senate, and The Honorable Stephen Skinner submitted the sponsored the resolution in the House of Delegates. It was truly wonderful to have both houses of the West Virginia Legislature take time to recognize the work of many West Virginians and WVU Alumni who have helped drive this mission forward.  In fact the resolution mentions staff and board members by name.

Personally, it makes me proud as a West Virginian to have the work of Nuru celebrated and recognized in our state’s Capitol, and additionally proud of all of the volunteers, financial supporters, staff, and board members from West Virginia who have helped carry this mission forward from its beginning, and I am excited for the next chapter Nuru and West Virginians will continue writing in the work to end extreme poverty!

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