Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Beams Of Our House: A Future Book By Trey Dunham

My friend Trey is a really smart guy. We’ve known each other and been friends for almost as long as I’ve been a Christian. We’ve worked together in various capacities over the years, and he even officiated mine and Jamie’s wedding!

I’m really excited about Trey’s latest efforts to develop his skills as a writer and share some of his insights about life and faith with a larger audience.  His most recent focus has been the exploration of marriage in a fictional futuristic account that merges Trey’s background in writing about technology and society with a commentary on the Song of Solomon.

Trey’s first book in this six part series is called The Beams Of Our House. In an effort to launch the series, Trey created a KickStarter project to raise the funds needed to launch the book. He is currently trying to raise $15,000 to cover the costs associated with producing and marketing the book.  Jamie and I decided we would invest in this project, and we wanted to encourage you to do so as well. If he hits his funding goal, by November 29, 2014 every person who invests at least $15 will get a free tshirt. Also, everyone who gives at least $15 will be able to receive a digital copy of the book!!!!

At the time of my writing this post, Trey is $4,475 shy of his goal with ten days left. Will you help him hit his goal by investing in his project? Even if you can’t invest, will you at least share Trey’s Kickstarter campaign with your friends?

Personally, I’m really looking forward to reading this book!

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