Tuesday, December 03, 2013

#GivingTuesday $15,000 Match For Nuru International Donations!!!

So today is #GivingTuesday. Even thought I'm writing this toward the end of the day, I am thrilled by this idea. Giving Tuesday is a trend that started recently as more and more people were taking a look at the spending on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and feeling like a new trend needed to get started, a trend of giving back.

Today, literally thousands of nonprofits are encouraging people to volunteer, give, and serve as part of Giving Tuesday. Folks are looking for opportunities to help, to give back, and to make the world a little bit brighter during the holidays.

And Nuru is among those groups with something special happening. One of Nuru's donors stepped forward and committed $15,000 to match every donation we receive today. Right now we are $3,880 away from maximizing this match. I am daily blown away by the generosity of others that helps take Nuru's life changing programs to even more people. Will you help us close the gap by donating or sharing our latest video celebrating five amazing years and 30,000 changed lives through Nuru? 

Thanks for reading, and thanks for being Nuru!

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