Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tune In To This Google Hangout about Modern Day Slavery

I know this is a bit last minute as a blog post, but I just wanted to encourage folks who have Google+ accounts to take some time and tune in to this Google+ Hangout featuring New York Times columnist and author NickKristof, along with Somaly Mam and Rachel Lloyd. The forum will be moderated by Luke Blocher, General Counsel for the National Underground Railroad and FreedomCenter in Cincinnati, OH. Luke is both a good friend and a determined advocate for ending modern day slavery and human trafficking. The actual hangout starts at 10AM on January 10, 2013.

I’m excited for the fact that more and more people are becoming aware of the issue, and mobilizing others to end human trafficking and slavery. I’ll keep this post brief—just take some time out of your day to tune in if you can.

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