Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Passion Conference and the #EndIt Movement

My good friend Cameron King, his wife, and about 60,000 other people gathered in Atlanta Georgia earlier this month to attend the 2013Passion Conference. This is one of the best conferences I know of for college students and young professionals who are passionate about their faith as well as serving others. The conference over the last few years has raised milliions to fight global poverty, human trafficking, slavery, and many other issues.

This year, they began a new initiative called #enditmovement. The goal of #enditmovement is to work toward the end of human trafficking and modern day slavery and to mobilize others to take a stand to end slavery. I love the fact that more and more people in our world are being mobilized to take tangible steps to love their global neighbors as well as their next door neighbors.

May we each continue to take steps to make a difference in this world, and look for opportunities to truly love tangibly. I'm proud of my friend Cameron and the growing movement of people I've been able to connect with over the last few years who are dedicating their time, their talents, and their resources toward ending slavery, trafficking, systemic poverty, and choosing to pursue justice in this world. 

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