Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Looking Back On My 2012 Goals

Well, as 2013 is well under way, I thought I would take some time to reflect on the goals I set in 2012 and see how well I did with them. I for the last several years, I have attempted (not always in blog format) to take time to reflect on my past year, and set goals in the new year to help me become a better version of myself.

So here are my goals from 2012, and how I fared in them.

Practice Sabbath, Solitude, Silence, and Fasting—This was once a strength for me, but I’ve allowed this discipline to slip in recent years. I slept with my phone in a separate room for most of the year, and managed to carve some time out for each of these disciplines, but didn’t have any extended solitude, silence, or fasting. And, unfortunately, I did not practice a regular period of rest and refreshment. I need to change this in 2013.

Blog More Consistently—Last year, I hoped to have at least 105 posts (2 per week), and I barely had 75 posts. This year, I am planning to write reviews of books, restaurants, and other products about once a week, so I’m hoping that will help me carve more space for this habit. I also feel like reflections on travels and adventures with Jamie will help me build a discipline of reflection in my life.

Exercise—Last year, I wanted to at least walk 30 minutes per day for a minimum of 3-5 days per week. I easily maintained this goal, and I was able to insert about 45 minutes of riding bicycle and other types of aerobic and strength training into my weekly routine.

Lose Weight—Continuing to build on the successes of 2011, I would like to lose weight during 2012. My weight as of February of last year was 197 pounds. I had hoped to lose at least 18 pounds during 2012, and maintain that lighter weight, but I came up a little short. I start this year at 190, and I’m hoping to drop at least 10 pounds to 180 and continue to be there at this time next year.

Parkersburg Half-Marathon—It eluded me both in 2011 and 2012.

Steward Resources More Wisely—In 2012, Jamie and I took some steps to lower our footprint (and our utility bills) and hope to continue this trend in 2013. Among our choices have been running heating and AC at lower and higher temperatures, and eating mostly vegetarian while at home.

Get Outdoors—My goal was to get outside for at least 30 minutes a day. Many days I exceeded this goal. I want this trend to continue in 2013.

Connect—I wanted to continue the trend of visiting with friends both near and far. These times of connecting are a refreshment to my soul. I’m hoping we can connect with even more people in 2013.

Plant a Garden—Of course this is a goal every year. I’d love for us to grow more of our food this year, and this time with our hands in the soil will also help us spend time outdoors.

Leave Margins—I tend to stay on the go most of the time. I think it would be good to leave some ‘wiggle-room’ in my schedule, and in so doing,it will probably afford me more opportunities to connect and enjoy spontaneity in the rhythm of life. This is a goal that I did not achieve to my liking in 2012, so I will need to work on it in 2013 for sure.

What about you? What are your goals for 2012? What habits would you like to make or break in the coming year?

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