Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Nuru International Club At Fairmont Senior High School

Monday afternoon, I had the privilege of connecting with some incredible students at a high school in Fairmont, WV. Last year, students at this school, led a first time initiative on their campus and a first time initiative for any group anywhere. They organized an entire week of activities on their campus to raise funds and awareness for Nuru’s work. The video above tells a little bit of the story of their exploits.

So Monday evening I found out that the Nuru club that started on their campus last year had grown from about 6 dedicated people to 15 folks. They are planning to blow the goals from last year out of the water, and coming up with all kinds of crazy cool ideas to inspire others to join in this work.

Any time with around people who are getting engaged with this issue, I get fired up. Especially when it is young people. This problem is so huge that it is going to require all hands on deck, and I believe that part of the key to ending extreme poverty is having people get a vision for taking action, and dedicating their careers toward making a lasting impact toward improving our world.

I think many students at Fairmont Senior High School are well on their way, and it is my hope that other schools will continue to build on their success, and help bring lasting change to the people of Kuria, Kenya and beyond. 

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