Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sharing Nuru’s Story At The Bridgeport, West Virginia Junior Women’s Club

Recently, thanks to the dedication, support, and bias toward action of my friend Sarah Dodson, I was able to visit the Benedum Civic Center in Bridgeport, WV and share Nuru’s story with a group of incredibly hard-working and globally minded women who are part of a local chapter of the Junior Women’s Club.

Although I wasn’t incredibly familiar with Junior Women’s Club, I became familiar fairly quickly as I was able to sit through one of their meetings after briefly communicating Nuru’s story with these ladies. These ladies are incredibly engaged and active in both their local community as well as in global service.

They had about 20 different events and projects that had either been recently completed or were in the works that were working to help improve the lives of others.  As I shared Nuru with these women, I could tell that I was talking to a group of people who were willing to take action. As I finished sharing, I invited these ladies to sign up for our eNews, and to begin sharing our story with others.

Immediately after I shared, these ladies commenced with their treasurers report, and then one of their members made a motion that the group should donate $100 to Nuru immediately. It was seconded and met with a unanimous vote.  That’s what I call taking action quickly!

Every time I share with folks like this, I get inspired. I get inspired because I see people take tangible action to fight extreme poverty. I get inspired because I see our movement of passionate, globally-minded individuals growing. I get inspired because I see that together, we are growing into a movement that is dedicated to ending extreme poverty, together, one community at a time.

May we never grow weary of doing good, and may we dedicate our time, effort, and energy to having a lasting impact toward serving others. 

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