Sunday, September 16, 2012

L' Shana Tova 5773!

Tonight at sunset, Rosh Hashanah begins. Rosh Hashanah is also called Jewish New Year, it is on this night that Jewish people celebrate the creation of the world from Adam's perspective. According to the Jewish calendar, this is year number 5773.

Tonight marks the commemoration of the evening and morning that were the first day, when the Creator of the universe breathed into dust and formed man.

And over the next ten days, the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mark a time of repentance, and is also called the "Days of Awe." During this time, one celebrates the creation of the universe, but also is mindful of the need for self-examination. One also blows the shofar or rams horn as a reminder that God is the King of the universe. 

It's a customary greeting on Rosh Hashanah to say "Shana Tova!" or "A Good Year!" Or even, L'shana tovah tikatevu vetechatemu which means "May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a good year!"

I don't know if you have ever considered this ancient tradition, but as the time approaches tonight, I plan to take time to reflect on the good world that has been created, and the pollution of shalom that has taken place since that time, and even my own part in that pollution. And then, I want to pray that God would allow me with his help and empowerment to be an instrument in bringing healing and beauty where there is now brokenness and suffering. May we all be instruments of healing, beauty, and peace where there is now brokenness and suffering.

And, L'shana tova tikatevu vetechatemu le'altar lechayim tovim ul'shalom! May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year immediately, for a good life and for peace!"

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