Friday, April 13, 2012

Nuru International In the New York Times

It’s been a little over a month now since my longtime friend and CEO of Nuru International, Jake Harriman made a guest appearance in the New York Times on the blog of Nick Kristof. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I highly suggest giving it a read.

In the post, Jake shared a little bit of the background as to why he left the marine corps, applied to business school, and has essentially dedicated his life to working toward ending what I believe is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation, extreme poverty.

It’s hard to really get one’s mind around all that has happened since Jake finished an MBA at Stanford, and launched Nuru in southwestern Kenya. Both in the states, and in Kenya, growing numbers are joining in this work, and helping to equip people with the tools and knowledge needed to lead their communities out of extreme poverty. I'm personally grateful for the number of friends who have joined us in this work, and who continue to inspire me daily by the commitments they make to help end the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation, extreme poverty.

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

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