Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunrise from the Nuru International Staff House in Kuria Kenya

This morning I woke up at 530am to begin my day. I've found that by rising early, I am not only able to feel more productive during the day, but I also get to take in little treasures like this sunrise. And this sunrise reminds me a lot of some of the wonderful sunrises I've experienced from back home in West Virginia. In fact a lot of my experiences here in Kenya remind me of places back home.

This life is a gift. Every day of life we have on this earth is a gift. When we rise early we are given more time to appreciate the gift and it's Giver. Life is short, and all of life is precious. As you venture on your day I hope you were able to enjoy the treasure of the rising sun, and that you look for opportunities to bring beautiful and healing gifts to others by the life you live today.

This world needs each one of us to show up, and to allow our lives to be gifts to others. May we make the most of the time we have been given, to love well, to serve others, and to make the most of the time we have been given.

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