Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Alleviating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship Summit

2011 Alleviating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship Summit @ Ohio State Info Video from Bill Babeaux on Vimeo.

During my travels, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some pretty amazing people.  Not the kind that you see on the stage and screen, but some really monumental individuals who are dreamers with both feet on the ground.  They work hard to make vision a reality, and they invite others to come along for the adventure.

One of those individuals is a guy named Bill Babeaux.  Bill is a student at Ohio State University, who is studying International Business, International Economic Development, and Political Science. 

This spring, he and some of his friends are joining together to create the above mentioned summit at OSU.  The APTE Summit will take place this April, and will be hosted by an organization of which Bill is a dedicated member--The OSU Business Builders Club

On April 15th 2011, hundreds of students and professionals will converge on the campus of OSU to share ideas for building a better world through entrepreneurship, and Nuru will be among those represented.  Our very own Gaby Blocher will be presenting to folks about Nuru’s metric system and how we measure our effectiveness in our efforts to end extreme poverty in Kuria, Kenya.

If you can, make it a point to visit Columbus, OH on April 15th.  Mark your calendar now, and make sure you get there!  For more updates, check out the APTE facebook fan page.

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