Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Nuru Regional Training Center

Regional Training Center from Nuru International on Vimeo.

I love this short video featuring Nuru Kenya’s Chairman, Philip Mohochi.  It’s amazing to think how much change has taken place.  As of fall, 2010, 7000 people have participated in Nuru’s programs in Kuria, Kenya.  Seven THOUSAND!!!  In September 2008, there were NONE!!!

This year, Nuru is expanding to provide tools and trainings even more people.  Right now, over 10,000 people will benefit from Nuru’s work in Kuria.  And we are still growing and scaling.  It’s truly amazing to think about the future, and what this work will mean for fighting poverty everywhere.

The Regional Training Center in Kuria, Kenya will help even more leaders receive the training they need to help their communities to lift themselves out of extreme poverty.  Leader by leader, community by community, family by family, we are ending extreme poverty, together, one community at a time!

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