Wednesday, January 05, 2011

My Cousin The Bowler: Brandon Williams

My Uncle’s family have always been pretty good bowlers.  My uncle and dad used to bowl regularly when they were younger, and then my cousin Doug bowled for a stint on pretty competitive level.  But, all of this pales in comparison to my second cousin, Brandon Williams.

Brandon has been bowling for many years, and he has always been good.  He practices regularly and works hard to refine his skill.  And late last year, he achieved a landmark in bowling.  He bowled his first perfect game.  300.  Twelve straight strikes.  Two weeks later, he did it again, with a different ball.

Many bowlers spend their whole life pursuing a 300 game.  Brandon did it twice at age 17.  He is captain of his high school bowling team at Parkersburg High School, and as of right now, he plans to attend WVU in the fall.  He bowled his two three hundred games at Emerson Lanes in Parkersburg, West Virginia. 

I can attest to the mentorship and support his grandfather has given him over the years.  My uncle regularly makes time to go to games and I can remember many times Uncle Bill would take Brandon to Emerson Lanes to practice. 

I’m excited for my cousin, and I hope he can continue to have fun and pursue excellence while bowling wherever life takes him.  Want to read more about his recent accolades?  Click here. 

I’m really proud of my nephew, and although I haven’t been able to congratulate him yet face to face, I thought I’d give him a shout out through the blog. (Special thanks to my Uncle Bill for giving me a copy of the newspaper article about him, and to my dad for mailing it to me).  Way to go Brandon!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Brandon!

    Is he a member of the U.S. Bowling Congress? It's one of our biggest conventions/groups in Reno. It'd be neat to see him take on bowlers who've been playing for decades!
