Friday, January 28, 2011

Conversation? With An Old Friend

Well, I guess you could call it a conversation.  In this day and age conversations consist of phone calls, emails, skypes, AIM chats, facebooking, tweets, and more.  And this was a chat on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) with a very dear old friend named Mark Darling.

Mark is the pastor of a church in the greater Minneapolis area called The Rock.  I can remember hearing Mark speak while I was in college, and I remember finding Mark's passion and zeal utterly contagious.  Mark loves people and loves God pretty deeply, and wants to give every bit of his life to helping people grow in their relationship with Him.

In January of 2007, as an encouragement to my mom as she fought cancer, he  sent her an album filled with original folk spiritual songs he had recorded called Medicinal Spirit.

While we were catching up over AI, I told Mark about my recent engagement, and he told me about a resource he was putting together online to make messages he had given on a variety of aspects of faith over the last 24 years available online.  The two sites are called Strong Disciple and Getting Your Family To Mars.

I know there are more resources, itunes podcasts, online messages and talks available to people now than at any point in history, but I couldn't help but write a short note to let friends--particularly friends from the world of Great Commission Ministries know about these resources Mark has made available online.

If you give these sites a try, I know Mark would love to hear your feedback.  Hope you are able to enjoy the messages.

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