Thursday, December 09, 2010

Every Face Tells A Story

Prop Event #001: Every Face Tells A Story from thePROP on Vimeo.

That was the theme for the first major event for “The Prop” a non-profit dedicated to connecting people doing good.  This group of artists and “everyday creatives” calls the greater Chicago Illinois area home, and, they do some pretty amazing stuff.

The prop loves to host events that connect people to great artists and great causes.  And they chose Nuru International as the first cause they would share with their people.  On September 23rd, 2010 several artists and art lovers converged in downtown Chicago to share in the first ever event for the Prop.

The event was an art installation featuring the human face called, “Every Face Tells a Story,” and 50% of proceeds from the sale of art went to fund Nuru’s work in Kuria, Kenya.  Members of Nuru’s communications team visited the event, and Nuru Partnerships Director Nicole Scott shared a brief explanation of what Nuru does and how people can get involved with the work of ending extreme poverty in Kuria, Kenya and beyond.

The thing I love most about this organization is that they are simply doing what they are good at, and what they love, and they are using their gifts and their passion to not only further their own efforts as artists, but to take their art a step further and encourage individuals to become better global citizens.

Over 150 people came to the prop’s event, and all of them left with a not only an incredible connecting experience to the art, to other people, and to the work of Nuru, but they left with a vision of ways they can take their gifts and passions and use them to bring even more good into the world.

We need more people like Victor Saad and his team at the prop.  We need more people who are living for something more than themselves.  We need more people being Nuru and prop-a-gating light and hope in a world that needs it badly.

Will you choose to prop-a-gate good today?

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