Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving With Family

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been posting, and it certainly isn’t because there hasn’t been much to say. Last week was a pretty event filled week, and after a bit of travel in the first part of the week, I spent some wonderful time with family.

My aunt Rosemary was in the hospital after a pretty intense back surgery, but thankfully she was able to be released to go home in time for Thanksgiving. She is one of the strongest women I know, and the love that she and my Uncle Bill share makes storybook romance look pathetic. They have been by each other’s side in sickness and in health for over 50 years!

As the week moved forward, I was able to spend some extended time with my fiancée Jamie, along with the children of my best friend in the whole world, Willie. And then, on Wednesday evening, Willie, his wife Sue, and my nephew, Nick all arrived at Papa Williams’ Homestead in Parkersburg.

We were able to spend the morning of Thanksgiving together before Jamie had to leave to spend time with her family, and we made our way across the Little Kanawha River to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with my sister, and her husband Ray.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving with Family, but we were missing a couple of people in the mix. My brother Chuck, and his wife Susan were isolated in California, but I was thankfully able to see them a week before the holiday. Maybe next year they will come out to join the rest of us for at least a day together.

The photo above is an iphone photo of the LCD image from the back of my dad’s camera. It was the only way I could get a photo on my phone with me also in the image.

Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving, and didn’t eat too much. If you did, it’s not too early to start a New Year’s Resolution toward a healthier diet and exercise!

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