Friday, July 09, 2010

Nuru International and Chase Community Giving

If you are on facebook and have followed much in the nonprofit world, you might have heard of the Chase Community Giving contest. Chase is giving away $5million dollars to 200 nonprofits. I would personally love to see Nuru be among that group. With your help, I believe we can work together to qualify Nuru for a $20,000 gift from Chase.

So how do you do it? Go to the Facebook page for Chase, "like" it, and vote for Nuru. After you vote, you can update your facebook, twitter, myspace, and linked in statuses with your vote so you can get your friends involved. It literally takes seconds to vote and spread the word.

If you don't have facebook, send a link to my blog via email to your friends and contacts, and tell them that you want them to help Nuru Internaional receive $20,000.

The important thing is that you VOTE NOW because voting closes in just a little over three days. Will you take a minute out of your day and help Nuru? We need folks to take action RIGHT NOW.

Thanks so much! Your vote can literally be the difference in Nuru being able to receive $20,000.


Be Hope. Be Light. Be Nuru.

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