Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oliver Luck Returns To WVU and Morgantown

Last night as I was going to bed, I read a tweet from @hoppykercheval that former WVU and Houston Oiler's quarterback, Oliver Luck would replace Ed Pastilong as the Athletic Director at WVU. It's amazing to me that his Wikipedia page was already updated before 7AM this morning.
Luck led WVU in one of the greatest mountaineer football victories of all time in 1981 when WVU defeated Florida in the Peach Bowl. Not only was he an incredible athlete, but he was also an extremely gifted student. He was a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship and had a nearly perfect GPA as a student athlete. He was a first round draft pick for the Houston Oilers when he graduated from WVU, and is considered one of the all time WVU greats. In 1997 he was inducted into the WVU Sports Hall of Fame.
What do you think about West Virginia's new athletic director? I'm sure Houston will miss him, but personally I'm curious to see what a legendary and brilliant student athlete will bring to West Virginia University.
I imagine there will be a press conference in the near future with more details so stay tuned to your local TV and news coverage. Also, I'm sure there will be ongoing coverage at MetroNews and MSNsportsnet.

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