Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Blog From Old Friends

In the photo above are two of my great friends, Steve and Liz Powell. I just found out from Steve that he and his wife started ablog, and I thought I would invite you to join in reading about their life and the life of their young son William. I really like the name of that boy!

Here's a little background about Steve and Liz. They have been my friends for a long time, and they both have served as President of our campus student organization here at WVU, h2o/wvu bible studies. They are also retired gunslingers. That's right, Steve and Liz were both all-american rifle competitors while students at WVU.

Steve and Liz, as you can tell from the photo above, are a fun loving couple. I have been encouraged by their friendship over the years, and I am thankful for the way they have cared for me. I had the privilege of being part of their wedding just a few years ago.

I hope you enjoy this brief introduction to these stellar folks.

Aside from being my friends, and their many accolades (they've both represented the United States in international rifle competitions), they are simply wonderful people. They are humble, and passionate about living for Jesus.

In fact, they probably don't see their accolades as any big deal. It's because they know that the biggest deal of any of our lives is our growing relationship of trust with the Lord of all creation.

No matter what our walk of life or our career exploits, we all are brought to a common place before the cross of the Savior. No matter where you are right now, it is my prayer that you might spend some time contemplating that cross. In light of that cross, pursue excellence in all you do, and strive to be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.

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