Friday, November 14, 2008

Autumn Forest

Autumn Forest, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
I took this photo a few weeks back while hiking with my dad. It was good to be able to spend time together. I've been pretty busy the last few weeks, and haven't been able to connect with him as much, but I cherish those moments. (I actually got to spend the day hanging out with him on election day and it was GREAT!!!)

But that's not what this blog is about. This blog is about days like that autumn day. This blog is about days like today in Morgantown. The weather is beautiful here. It is unseasonably warm for late november. The sun is glowing as it reflects off the remaining leaves on the trees.

My brother sent me a blog that John Piper wrote a few days ago. I'll let you read it, and reflect. it's pretty short, so you can check it out by following this link. Some good food for thought . . .

1 comment:

  1. I love John Piper. Every time I hear him say something or read what he has written, I find myself saying "Yeah, What he said!"
