Friday, October 10, 2008

Charlie Hall Band

Yesterday, Charlie Hall came to Morgantown, and were our special guest worship leaders for the special event we've created to help folks know God and connect with each other in downtown Morgantown. We call the event 17three. They came, and I believe they really helped us to help others connect with the living God. They are a wonderful group of guys, and their desire is to help others connect with God and with others.

It wasn't the first time I've had the opportunity to interact with these guys. The first time was back in early 2004 in Baltimore, Maryland for a conference called Ignite. I picked them up at the airport, and brought them back to the conference. We spent much of the afternoon connecting about what God was doing in our lives, and sharing stories with one another. The really beautiful thing about it all was there was a genuine nature to everything they were saying and doing. I don't know about you, but sometimes I can get a bit skeptical and wonder if folks are really the way they portray themselves in music or on Sunday morning. Maybe it comes from the general sense of distrust we have in our culture.

These guys are the real deal though. Every time I see them, we seem to be able to have a space of time simply for catching up. We are able to share what God is doing in our lives, and beyond that, we are able to spend time encouraging each other in the truths of scripture. The music these guys produce comes from places of deep pain meeting with the rich love of God.

I want to recommend their latest album to you because it is great music, but even more because I know that this great music comes from the heart, and it is the band's musical expression of their great love for Jesus.

In the same vein, I want to encourage you to be genuine as well. As people encounter you, may they experience the life of someone who has been radically transformed by the great love of Jesus!

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