Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Nuru?

On monday, four of my friends left for Southwestern Kenya to begin a project that has been years in development.  It all started my freshman year in Arnold Hall when a group of people from all over the region became really great friends.  And then we stayed friends.  And then we dreamed together.  We dreamed of what might be possible one day if we all worked together toward some goal.  We dreamed about the possibility of something that would require great faith, and would tap into ALL of the skills and talents that we developed during our college years, and in the professional world beyond.

Enter Nuru.  It's a Kiswahili word that means light.  In many parts of East Africa it has connotations of hope.  Lasting hope.  Light that is all encompassing.  Pretty amazing stuff.

A couple of my friends, John and Jake started Nuru with a vision of bringing lasting hope and sustainable solutions to poverty.  And then as they started putting the plan together, many more of us joined them in the fight.  It's been like watching a dream come true.  We are all  embarking on a journey that really started at WVU during our freshman year--yet we had no idea.

Because of our faith, we have been stirred in our spirit to DO something about the over one billion people in our world who live on less than one dollar a day.  God has called us to care for the poor--it's irrefutable.  Any doubts, check out Isaiah 58, or Matthew 25.  Nuru's dream is becoming reality in southwestern Kenya.  A community of 8,000 people are being given an opportunity to lift themselves out of extreme poverty in a period of five years.  Five years, and 8,000 peoples lives will be changed.

And YOU can be part of it too!  YOU can be Nuru for this little group of people.  YOU can join in the fight.

I know that we are bombarded with invitations to support various causes.  I also know that in a situation like this small gestures of support can make a significant impact.  A small gift of $10 can go a long way.  I also know about a God who takes our few loaves and fishes, and does amazing things with them.  That's why I want to challenge you to make at least a $10 contribution to Nuru International.  There's two ways you can do it.  1) Join facebook, and read more about the cause on there and find out what your simple gesture can do.  2) Send a check made out to Nuru International to 189 Highland Ave, Morgantown, WV 26505.

So why nuru? Nuru is already doing great things, and I want YOU to be part of it all!  Do YOU want to CHANGE the world?  It starts with small, yet significant gestures.  It starts with a decision to contribute to making the world a better place.  Be the change you want to see.  Be hope.  Be light.  Be Nuru!!!

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