Monday, August 18, 2008

New Beginnings

New Beginnings, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Well, it has been difficult to write with any consistency these last few weeks. I have still written, I have still photographed, and I have reflected much on the goodness of the LORD in my life in these past few weeks as I have put over 10,000 miles on my car traveling to various conferences, training programs, and events.

But now I'm back. I'm back in Morgantown. I'm back at sozo. I'm back at Chestnut Ridge Church. And the semester's just starting today.

The flower in the above photo was captured at the North Carolina Aquarium in Fort Fisher. I visited it during one of my stints at GCM's Leadership Training program in Carolina Beach, NC.

I like this photo. It reminds me of new life. The kind of new life one experiences in a town like Morgantown when 28,000 students return on a single weekend. The kind of new life one experiences when one spend the entire weekend connecting with old friends who one hasn't seen for months. The kind of new life one experiences when one is able to spend time experiencing and sharing the love of Christ freshly.

So this is the first day of school hear at WVU. There are 28,000 students going to class today. There are thousands of people walking by the storefront at sozo. There are people flowing in and out of this space, and I feel like it's going to be a wonderful start to a great year.

I'm settled in a bit now, so my goal is to write a bit more frequently in the coming weeks. I'm also hoping to take a bit more photos.

in the meantime, I realize you might not be able to relate to 28,000 students arriving in your town in a weekend, but you can take today as an opportunity for new beginnings yourself.

Take a walk, and connect with the Creator of the universe. Ask Him to open your eyes to His goodness, His beauty, and his wonder.

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