Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Practicing Generosity

Practicing Generosity, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

As a follow up to my last blog about the stimulus checks and John Piper's blog about the subject, I thought I would offer a few (among many) possible suggestions for giving. Will you prayerfully consider giving 25%, 50%, or even 100% of your stimulus check toward one of these causes. Maybe by starting to give with your stimulus check, you can develop a habit of practicing generosity throughout the year as well.

Nuru International--This organization, which was started by a couple of my friends, is in the middle of a huge fundraising drive, and an individual donor is willing to contribute $100,000 toward this organization if they are able to raise $350,000 by June 14th. They have already raised half of it, and your gift could be a big step toward that goal.

Invisible Children--This is a great organization that is really making a difference in Northern Uganda. Every time I interact with people from this organization, I am thoroughly impressed by their passion, and their ability to accomplish much with the talents they've been given. Giving to this group definitely has an impact beyond the gift itself.

Compassion International--This organization is often endorsed by many Christian recording artists. You could sponsor a single child for most of a year with just half of a stimulus check.

Great Commission Ministries. This feels a bit self-serving, but I feel I would be remiss if I didn't mention this organization. This is the mission agency I work for, and personally I think they do great work all over the world. Maybe consider sponsoring a missionary or one of their many mission projects if you don't already.

All of these organizations are doing great things in our world today, but there are also a couple of local things I would like to suggest to you as well.

Your Local Church--No matter where you live, your local church is hopefully involved in efforts to improve the community and impact the world around them for the cause of Christ. If you are a Christian, it would probably be a good idea to consider giving 10% or more of your stimulus check to your local church.

Neighbors/People in Need--I have no idea what is happening in the community where you live--do you? Maybe take some time today and investigate the greatest needs of your neighborhood or the town where you live. Maybe you have a relative or friend who just lost a job, and needs groceries for their family. Go find out--and help out.

Really, it's very easy to dismiss the value of generosity. It's easy to think that $150, $300, or $600 can't go very far to meet the huge needs of our world. But all of them will go further than $0.

Maybe now isn't the best time for you. Maybe you've already spent your stimulus check. Maybe you really needed that money and it's what is going to get you through this month. If that's the case, perhaps it would be good to look to practice generosity in other ways. Maybe give of your time to help a neighbor or a friend, serve in a church, volunteer in the community. When we practice generosity, God is glorified.

As a wise man once said, "There is not enough for every man's greed, but there is more than enough for every man's need."

May you endeavor to practice generosity every day, but before you spend this recent gift, consider ways in which you can make Christ's name and fame great by the way that you use it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I stopped by here today. My grandfather passed away last night, and there are few people I've met who were more generous than him. He worked hard for what he had, but rather than living in fear that it would be lost, he gave generously to those in need. If he had it to give, he would give it. I have never met anyone who gave with more reckless abandon than Kack. Between a little extra money from the stimulus check and an amazing legacy left by my grandfather, I look forward to sharing what I have been blessed with!
