Friday, April 25, 2008


Seder, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Tonight we join in a very ancient tradition, and one of the longest running traditions i've been part of in Morgantown. Tonight we celebrate the passover. We clear the house of leaven as we also search our hearts for sin.

We remember the deliverance brought about by YHWH, God Almighty. How we were once slaves, but now we are slaves no more. This night is different from all of the other nights.

This ancient meal was celebrated by our Jewish ancestors in anticipation of the coming of Elijah, and the coming of Messiah the LORD. This was the meal that Jesus enjoyed with His disciples on the night He was betrayed.

For us, as we gather, we remember all that God has done in our midst over the past year. We remember how God delivers us. We remember His promise that those who bless us, He will bless. Those who curse us, He will curse. We remember all that he has done through the cross and the resurrection.

And we celebrate. We celebrate the meal. We celebrate the blessings of God. We celebrate our community. And we celebrate the hope that we have in the Messiah Jesus, and the importance of the message He has commissioned us to share.

And we hope. We hope in the days that are to come. We hope for loved ones who may not know the beautiful way of Jesus. We hope for a greater taste of Shalom this side of eternity. We hope for the return of our mighty King.

Remembrance. Celebration. Hope.

May you take time to day to remember, to celebrate, and to hope in the One to whose Kingdom is infinitely better than anything the kingdoms of this world have to offer.

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