Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dad and Daisy

Dad and Daisy, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Yesterday, my dad and I drove to our recently acquired family cabin to do a little fishing, and see how the place weathered the winter. We had to do a little cleaning and fixing up where parts of the place had settled, but by and large things looked great. The ground around the place was really soft, like all ground is the first time you walk on it after a long wet winter. The grass was super green, and the weather was beautiful. We couldn't have asked for a better day to travel.

We ventured out for a little fishing, and left Daisy, my dad's dog, in the cabin where she would be safe from the rapidly flowing waters of the Shaver's Fork of the Cheat River. Of course she found this isolation and separation intolerable, and spent the entire time we were away from the cabin (about 30 minutes), chewing and scratching and barking at the door. While we couldn't hear her from the stream, when we returned toward the cabin, we could tell she was protesting vehemently her rustic imprisonment. So she joined us for the rest of the trip.

We didn't catch a thing, so after about 3 hours, we called it quits, and headed back toward Morgantown where we enjoyed a bowl of our family recipe Chili, and the NCAA championship.

It's been great having Dad and Daisy up here, and I hope they will come to visit more often as the weather improves. Today, I had a lot of work to do (story of everybody's life, right?), but we are planning to spend a little time hanging out this afternoon.

It's good to spend time together with family, and although we didn't catch any fish yesterday, I believe a good time was had by all--even daisy once she wasn't left out!

Hope you are able to spend some time today connecting with others, and enjoying the beautiful spring weather!

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