Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Book For Sale

OK, first off this isn't an April Fools joke. This is for real. A friend of mine at Virginia Tech just published his first book. It's calledWhen Answers Aren't Enough:Experiencing God as Good When Life Isn't, and it's available at Amazon.

Personally, I haven't read the book yet, but I imagine it is a pretty solid read. Philip Yancey, a very well known author, has been meeting and speaking with matt over the last year to guide him in his writing, and through his own processing of a very traumatic experience.

Yancey had this to say.

"No campus pastor should have to face the questions Matt Rogers did after the shooting at his school, Virginia Tech. Then again, caany of us avoid these very questions? Tempered by tragedy, Matt explores both doubt and hope, and emerges with compassionate wisdom."

You see, Matt is on staff with GCM (the ministry I work for) at Viriginia Tech. He was there last year when 33 people were shot and killed in Blacksburg, VA. And he had to both help students walk through this difficult time and go through it himself. While I haven't read the book, I just finished ordering it from amazon.

And I want you to order it too. We are trying to get as many people as possible to order it today so that it attracts greater attention. If Amazon.com book sales suddenly surge upward, it will mean that more booksellers will take an interest in Matt's book, this means more sales, but more importantly it means more people will have an opportunity to consider God beyond all of the scholarly intellectual answers to suffering. It also means a huge savings for you because it's about $5 cheaper to order it from amazon than it would be to purchase it anywhere else.

Will you help my friend matt, and order a copy of his book? I would love it if you posted a review here too when you read it. Have a great day!

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