Friday, March 14, 2008

Abducted Archbishop's Body Found.

Day two of a big win for WVU, and day two of more exposure to what's happening in our world. It's not that I don't typically follow world news, it's just that a couple of stories that might easily sail under the radar came to my attention recently. This is the second story.

The Archbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq was kidnapped and held for an increasing sum of ransom during late february. Apparently, the sixty-five year old minister died while in captivity. You can read more about it here or read and watch a video here.

It's troubling to see and here about events like these. It makes one appreciate the relative degree of freedom from persecution that is enjoyed in America. Beyond this, it reminds me that every day, there are people around the world who are suffering for the name of Jesus. People who are kidnapped. People who are beaten. People who are imprisoned because of their faith. Women who are raped. Men who are murdered in front of their families.

May we remember and work toward liberating those who suffer. And may we pray for and look forward to the day when all suffering shall cease.

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